Free 5-day LIVE mini webinar series

From Fight, Flight, or Freeze... to FLOW.

Join us to de-stress and learn Nervous System Regulation techniques for optimized health!

Here is what you'll learn:

In 5 days you will:

  • Explore the interconnected web of your nervous system, hormones, and immunity
  • Connect with your body through somatic exercises for self-understanding, acceptance, and liberation
  • Learn the power of biohacking with polyvagal techniques and adaptogens
  • Decode your inner voice by using emotions as guides
  • Learn to better manage your time and energy with boundary setting and practical tools

Each day's LIVE lesson will be recorded and shared via email for you to re/watch at your convenience.

Sign up today to make sure you don't miss it!

FREE daily LIVE lessons:

Monday, 3/4 - Friday 3/8 @ 12pm MST

Presented by

Lisa Broberg

Functional Nurse
Wellness Coach

March 4, 2024
12:00pm Mountain Time

Register today

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